New Labour

Vote for MP:

Ryan Ahmad 4

Hackney North

& Stokey

  • Crime and Causes
  • Poverty
  • Housing
  • Communities
  • Racism
  • Education & Skills
  • Health & Happiness
  • Vast Experience

My name is Ryan Ahmad and I am standing for election as your ​MP in my hometown, Hackney.

About me: I went to school in Enfield, Surrey and the North ​East, quite varied places. I studied PPE at Oxford where I came ​to the attention of prime minister Blair who appointed me as ​his aide de camp and gave me a cabinet office security ​clearance. I had extensive contact with cabinet ministers, ​senior civil servants, military and intelligence chiefs, world ​leaders, billionaires, I literally met a hundred of the world's ​most powerful people and another hundred most famous ​celebrities. I was sounded out for roles in the administrations ​of Afghanistan and Iraq (scary) and I got a superb job offer ​from mi5. I have experience in finance, politics, retail, the ​voluntary sector and hospitality. Sadly I couldn't take the mi5 ​offer up as I went on to have a major mental health ​breakdown. I was sectioned and over the next twelve years ​spent well over a year in mental hospitals in total, with

multiple incarcerations in various psychiatric wards. I was ​subjected to an extreme campaign of violence, suffering life ​changing injuries and numerous other assaults, which also led ​to PTSD. I didn't work for 17 years and was in constant crisis ​and isolation.

In 2012, I moved to London and my life has improved ​markedly since then. I've done courses, become secretary of ​my local branch of the labour party, I volunteer with a charity ​that reduces loneliness and isolation among older neighbours ​and this summer I started working in the best pub in the world, ​the Cock Tavern. Recently I applied for a private banking job, ​but would prefer something in politics like the civil service or ​SPAD.

I was also homeless on two occasions in my life, once while on ​the run from a mental hospital (I spent about 4 months on the

streets of central London including Christmas) and then again ​when I was illegally evicted by my landlord while in hospital. I ​have benefitted a lot from Hackney's homeless hostel and am ​now in social housing which has allowed me to rebuild my life.

As MP, I would like to accelerate campaigning, political ​education, community activism and retention and sign up of ​members. I've chaired a few branch meetings in the past, and ​they were pretty efficient affairs. My main policy/campaigning ​areas are economy, mental health, homelessness, poverty (all ​forms of hardship really), cyber ethics and practice, ​environment and equality. But my prime goal as MP would be ​serving the constituency. I would love to tear into my ​consituents’ problems every day – I studied economics and ​politics because I want to improve people’s lives.

I know many of you from canvassing, socials, various meetings ​and zoom. I often deliver input to meetings and last year I ​proposed a motion calling on the leadership to support

industrial action in the face of real wage cuts (which passed at ​CLP).

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have extensive experience of the Affairs ​of State that the vast majority of MPs can only grasp at. I have ​had loads of influence contributing to Defence Policy. I ​instigated billions of pounds worth of Government spending ​with New Labour. I have worked with all of the frontier ​technologies that can improve public services like the NHS. ​World leaders and foreign policy? I’ve met them and practised ​it. Heads of intelligence services, former Prime Ministers and ​cabinet members all contributed directly to my formative ​education. Additionally, I understand CAPITALISM and Wealth. ​A vote for me is a vote for a uniquely powerful level of ​competence and experience at the leadership level of our ​country.

I have high hopes for my future in politics with my experience,

education and background standing me in good stead. I hope to ​one day be leader of the Labour party! I worship at the altar of ​Blair/Brown but thought Jeremy was inspirational. I think we ​need to appreciate as a party that many of our most ​progressive and ambitious policy ideas come from the left, who ​should be embraced not vilified though they have to be based ​on a degree of reality.

But with that in mind I would be liberal and progressive.

Constiuents, I promise you socialism!

Thanks for reading.

In solidarity.